Work on The Track

Work on The Track

A big thank you from Perran Tennis


Our track has had some recent work over the past two weeks. Initially to level the road way Chris and Rob filled the pot holes with rubble. Three tons of 803 was then hand laid. An industrial compactor was then used to level.
During the weekend a channel was dug by hand to allow rain water to run away. Following this 11 tons of granite chips were raked across the surface.

Ninety percent of the work has now taken place. A few weeks will pass to ascertain where further dressing is required.

A major thank you to Rob as project manager. Also thanks go to our willing volunteers whom I was pleased to assist in a small way.

Perran Tennis Road Builders:

Rob Pippin, Chris Legg, Steve Hawken, Richard Shoebridge, Rob Cook, Phil Odell, Kial Pippin, Fraser Tuffnell and Steve Hyde.

Steve Luck