Perran Tennis Junior Tennis Tournament

Perran Tennis Junior Tennis Tournament

Sixteen players took place in the last of three junior tennis tournaments for emerging competitors on Friday. The weather forecast was for light showers the event was hit by a torrential downpour, but this did not put off our intrepid players. Ages ranged from five to fifteen, some sampling competitive tennis for the first time. Every junior player took part in five rounds of. This enabled less experienced players to compete with and against juniors with a match background.

The results were extremely close. Maddison Pippin took first place with five wins out of five, accumulating 25 points. The runner-up slot was taken by Charlie from St Agnes with 24 points. Two players tied for third with 23.5 points – Aidan Gerty and Fergus Todd. Medals were presented to Maddison, Charlie, Aidan and Fergus Club President Dave Pell.

The next events at Perran Tennis will be the Club Championships (Ladies, Men’s, Under 16’s, 10’s and 8’s)

Medal Winners Photograph (left to right) Maddison, Dave Pell (President), Aidan, Charlie and Fergus.