Perran Tennis Junior Match Play Week Three

Perran Tennis Junior Match Play Week Three

WB Two

Perran Tennis hosted the third junior match play doubles of the summer last Friday attracting twenty juniors, both members and visitors. Playing six rounds of doubles with differing opponents and partners some closely fought matches were seen on the grass courts at Perran Tennis. Will Barnett was looking for a third consecutive win and Lydia Hawken for a second. Sunshine throughout the afternoon was appreciated by a sizable group of spectators.

The boys event proved a very close affair with Will Barnett, Vince Marney and Samuel Legg all tied on seventeen points. Following the play-offs Samuel came through as the eventual winner.

In the girl’s section Martha Marney took third place with fifth teen points, Katie Humphreys was a point ahead with sixteen and Phoebe Barnett took top slot with seventeen points. Medals were presented by committee member Mike Payne. Next Friday will see the fourth junior doubles match play afternoon. Visitors and non-members are most welcome. Play commences at 2pm and concludes at 4.30pm. The entry fee is £5 per player. Further information can be gained by contacting Steve Luck (Club Coach) on 07860 446209.

WB One

The medal winners Phoebe and Samuel accompanied by Iris and aspiring junior!